Monday, March 11, 2013

One on One with "Sassie" Cassie Simonton

What have you and the Kon Rodz Team been doing to get ready ready for the 2013 season:

We have been very busy, getting the car and everything else ready for the track. I have also been trying to keep myslef in shape, ready to get as much seat time as possible to be ready for the Gatornationals and the upcoming season

With the advent of social media, how important is fan interaction to both you and the team:
"It is very important and a key aspect in opening the door for potential sponsors. I've gotten more interactive on Twitter, as well as Facebook and it really is a good way to get your name out there and keep it out there. At Kon Rodz Racing (derived from the Kontos last name & team owner Spiro Kontos' passion for hot rods) we're always seeking support from our sponsors and this year we've added a few new partners that will allow us to open up our schedule and hopefully run for a top 5 finish, and a world championship. Without the fans, all of the hard work and time we put into not only our car, but our social media campaigns, wouldn't be seen or promoted nearly as much as it is through the support of our fans."

Are you hoping to bring in more females into the sport of NHRA Drag racing with other female racers doing so well:

Yes and that is always the goal. For example my little sister is competing in the Jr. Dragster program, it's fun to get her out there so she can experience what I went through. I try to be there to support her, to help her learn as much of the sport as possible. It's wonderful to see little girls come to you, that have the same dreams as you do. The one thing as a drag racer I try to get across
is this: I worked my way up the sport a certain way because it's something I love to do, and if you work hard enough you can make your dreams come true in this sport.Are you more  hands on when it comes to driving your funny car:

Yes very much so, I worked as a crewman with the Kon Rodz Team three years before I got the drive
so I pretty much know how to work on most aspects of the car. If need be I am able to take the place of a crewman. I always pack my chutes after each and every run which is a rule of most drag racers, and that helps the team in preparing the car for each run during testing and throughout the year.Is being able to work on the car itself part of what drew you to the sport of Drag Racing:

My father drove race cars for a living. He wanted me to become more than just a "driver" growing up. He wanted me to understand what it was to work on the car. My dream, mainly was to become a driver, put my foot my foot in the door sort of speaking and work my way up to become a driver. To this point, it has worked out very well.Is it difficult for your team to find sponsorship at this particular time or are you always searching:

Yes it is very difficult, it is that way for anyone. We are trying very hard, the door is always open, and we are meeting as many sponsors as we can. We are also trying to show the opportunities to potential sponsors that racing brings. That helps us (The Team) as well as the sponsors to have a bigger presence in the sport.And social media also can help find potential sponsors as well:

Yes that is true, we (Kon Rodz Racing) would love to run the full circuit and go for that TA/FC championship. Having new sponsors on board is an integral part of running a team, we need that support. The team has great associate sponsors and we are working very hard to bring more support to the table to run a full season.

With the success that both Courtney Force and Erica Enders-Stevens are having, do you feel that sponsors are seeing that and are warming up to become a  part of NHRA Drag Racing:

I  believe with everything they have done and have been taught in the sport of Drag Racing this season, the sport has definitely gained more exposure. It shows that we (female racers) can get out there and compete showing that we are very marketable and the fans love seeing that. Courtney has gotten the greatest amount of attention with Traxxas coming in to be a sponsor of the NHRA and her Nitro Funny Car Team, so that aspect helps alot to show how exciting Drag Racing is.Drag Racing can be a physically demanding sport. What sort of regimen do you have to prepare yourself for racing:

My main goal for a fitness program is to strengthen legs along with my core muscles. We use a  program called Interactive Fitness. It is a program that you are able to take with you and it is a simple but effective full body workout. I also do alot of biking and also take spin classes and run alot, that also helps me to be stronger. With that, the car will be easier to drive. I am hoping that it all pays off in just a few weeks in Gainsville.You and the team must be so excited to get the 2013 season underway then:

Absolutely excited to start the season. Sitting at home, watching how the alcohol classes performed at Pomona, it's going to be a very competitive year, and I am very excited to get out there on track. I was told by the Kon Rodz team to "Hold On". So I am looking forward to getting this 2013 season underway in Gainsville in 2 weeks.

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